Discussion Leadership

Discussion Leadership Sign Up

*Sign up for TWO DAYS on which you and a partner will lead our discussion. Please remember: you are responsible for reading all posts on the blog before class, and you should have 2-3 of your own discussion questions at the ready.

Week 4: Societal Changes

Sept. 15: Rights for Women and Jews

            Theresa Devincentis

            Victoria Kiebler

Sept. 17: Working Women and Middle Class Women

            Meghan Heinzeroth

            Leah Jacobson

Week 5: Liberalism

Sept. 22: Society and the Individual

            Teague Nicolella


Sept. 24: Liberty of Thought and Discussion

            Ian Anderson


Week 6: Socialism

Sept. 29: The Communist Manifesto

            Victoria Kiebler

            Madi Lara

Week 7: The Springtime of Nations

Oct. 6: Tocqueville on France’s Revolution of 1848

            Cassidy Higgins


Oct. 8: Nationalism in the Habsburg Empire

            Shelbie Baker

            Meghan Heinzeroth

Week 8: The Nation-State Ascendant

Oct. 13: The nation inclusive and exclusive

            Cassidy Higgins

            Hayden Stein

Week 9: The Human Animal

Oct. 22: Consumerism

            Shelbie Baker

            Hayden Stein

Week 10: Imperialism

Oct. 29: Things Fall Apart

            Theresa Devincentis

            Nailea Perez

Week 11: Modernity and Its Discontents

Nov. 3: Revolutionary Anarchism and Socialism

            Nailea Perez

            Teague Nicolella

Week 12: Modernity and Its Discontents Continued

Nov. 12: Freud on Dreams

            Ian Anderson

            Teague Nicolella

Week 13: Tensions on the Rise

Nov. 19: Artistic Modernism

            Leah Jacobson

            Madi Lara
